3/17/2024 1:09AM Ladarius Ross Bedford 18.2-119 Trespassing
3/18/2024 2:51PM Hailly Sines Forest 19.2-152.4 Fail to Meet Conditions Set by Pretrial Services
3/18/2024 4:00PM Kristie Seamster Bedford 18.2-251.4 Defeating Drug & Alcohol Screening Tests
3/19/2024 12:24PM Mauricio Carmona Lynchburg 18.2-456 Contempt of Court
3/19/2024 9:57AM Joshua Seagroves Bedford 18.2-192 Credit Card Theft
3/19/2024 9:57AM Joshua Seagroves Bedford 18.2-96 Petit Larceny
3/20/2024 9:32PM Sheldon Page Bedford 18.2-57.2 Assault & Battery
3/21/2024 11:46PM Dejuan Steptoe Bedford 18.2-266 Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
3/21/2024 11:46PM Dejuan Steptoe Bedford 18.2-460 Obstructing Justice
3/21/2024 11:46PM Dejuan Steptoe Bedford 46.2-817 Eluding Police
3/22/2024 4:11PM Randy Harrison Thaxton 19.2-358 Contempt of Court - Failure to Pay Court-Ordered