2/25/2024 11:26PM Paige Hall Floyd 18.2-96 Petit Larceny
2/25/2024 7:41PM Eric Booth Bedford 18.2-388 Public Swearing or Intoxication
2/26/2024 10:15AM Allyson Switzer Montvale 18.2-137 Destruction of Property
2/26/2024 12:35PM David Gearheart Roanoke 18.2-172 Forgery/Counterfeiting
2/26/2024 3:12PM Carl Deane Bedford 18.2-137 Destruction of Property
2/27/2024 10:32AM Justin Adler Huddleston 18.2-266 Driving While Intoxicated
2/27/2024 3:05AM Jonathan Vance Bedford 18.2-266 Driving While Intoxicated
2/28/2024 10:55AM Lester McCray Huddleston 18.2-250 Possession of Controlled Substances
3/1/2024 1:55PM Justin Adler Huddleston 46.2-391 Revocation of License - DWI
3/1/2024 11:38AM Clarence McGee Bedford 19.2-306 Revocation of Suspended Sentence & Probation
3/2/2024 9:30PM Samuel Mason Bedford 18.2-250 Possession of Controlled Substances