I am having problems with speeding motorists in my neighborhood. Who do I contact?
If you want to report this problem, you should ask to speak to a Supervisor when you call 540-587-6011. Email addresses and additional contact information is available in our staff directory.​
How do you apply for the position of police officer?
When there are openings, you can obtain an application at Human Resources located at:
215 E Main Street
Bedford, VA 24523
To view if there is a current opening, visit our Employment page.
How do I get a copy of an automobile crash report?
Crash reports may be obtained online from CrashDocs.org. Reports are free for persons involved in the crash or $3 per report for insurance companies and attorneys. A report should be available on CrashDocs.org 5-7 days after a traffic crash. If your traffic crash was prior to January 1st, 2022, you will need to contact the records department at 540-587-6011. If you are unable to find the report or need assistance, please contact the records department.
When does the Bedford Police Department install Child Safety Seats?
Please contact Bedford County Fire and Rescue for this service at www.bcofr.com
How do I obtain an amplification / loudspeaker permit?
You must request amplification permits from the office of the Town Manager. There is a form that can be picked up in the Town Manager's office located at:215 E Main Street
Bedford, VA 24523
After completing the form, it must be submitted for the Town Manager's approval. For the Town Manager's contact information, view the staff directory.
When I need the police for a non-emergency situation should I call 911?
No, you should call the non emergency number at 540-586-7827 where you will be connected with a Dispatcher who will dispatch an officer to your location. Examples on non emergency calls would include but are not limited to items like a break-in not in progress, property damage, traffic concerns, and removal of dead animals from the roadway.
How do I to pick up property that belongs to me from the Bedford Police Department?
Call the Evidence Technician to schedule a time for pickup at 540-587-6014. For firearms pickup you must be lawfully able to own or possess a firearm in order to pickup. Some form of photo identification must be presented before any property can be released. Proof of ownership of Court order may be required.
How do I give a compliment an officer or a program?
You may send correspondence to the Bedford Police Department at:
215 E Main Street
Bedford, VA 24523
Or you may call 540-587-6011 and ask to speak with any Supervisor.
How do you file a complaint, if you have a problem with the Bedford Police Department or an officer?
We recommend viewing our procedures for this. Click Here
How can I get my fingerprints taken?
Fingerprinting for the public is done at a fee of $5.00. This will include 2 full sets of FBI fingerprint cards. Appointments must be made in advance by calling the main telephone number of 540-587-6011. Appointments are available Mon-Thurs between 9am-3pm.
Our address is:
215 E Main Street
Bedford, VA 24523
Is there a charge for fingerprinting?
The charge is 5 dollars per set of 2 cards. Then 5 dollars for each subsequent set.